KWF Grant Management System


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KWF staff log in


Welcome to the KWF Grant Management system (KWF GMS) of KWF Kankerbestrijding.


Due to a system upgrade GMS will not be available next Thursday the 16th of January between 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM CET. Save your work in time and log out.

Register for a research grant

Register here

If you want to apply for a research grant, it is possible that we already registered you in KWF GMS system, for instance as a Boardmember or as an External Reviewer. When you are aware of such existing account, please contact us through to add the additional role as a Principal Investigator.

Technical information

In compliance with the KWF Email policy, the KWF GMS system generates email messages with the sender email address

In case you experience any difficulty with receiving emails from the KWF GMS system, please contact your local ICT department. Our domains and are registered in the Sender Policy Framework.

I. Supported Operating Systems and Browsers
List of currently supported browsers:
Microsoft Edge: two most recent versions*
Firefox: two most recent versions*
Chrome: two most recent versions*
Safari: two most recent versions*
*Firefox, Chrome and Safari support applies to the current version published by the manufacturer excluding beta releases, and 1 previous version.
All browsers listed above are supported on all Windows, OS X and Linux Operating Systems that are explicitly stated as supported by the individual browser manufacturer.
- Internet Explorer is no longer suported.

II. Adobe PDF Reader Support
Please use Adobe Reader to view any PDF files generated by this system.

III. Pop-Up Blockers Information
Some files in the KWF GMS system launch and display in a secondary browser window. If your browser or a third-party software program that you have installed blocks pop-up windows, please follow that product's instructions for allowing pop-up windows from this domain.